Village Cafe

Village Cafe
Village Cafe
Village Cafe
Geolocation data
Village Cafe, 7aCoombe Rd, New Malden KT3 4PX, United Kingdom (51°24′15″N, 0°15′24″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Shop name
Village Cafe
Business status 2020
Closed prior to demolition
The Cinematograph Theatre opened at 7 Coombe Road on July 26th 1911. It had about 300 seats and was situated three doors from the railway station. The seats were covered in red plush with the fittings and curtains made of the best materials. Pictures were “very clear with an almost entire absence of flicker”. The films were changed every Monday and Thursday with shows in the afternoon on Wednesday and Saturday. Three performances on April 24th 1912 raised £10 for the titanic Fund. Alterations were carried out in 1913, when it was renamed The New Malden Picture Palace. It was also known as The New Malden Cinema Hall.
On New Year’s Day 1915, about 350 children, all sons or daughters of soldiers or seamen were entertained at the Cinema Hall and sent a telegram of devotion to the King. Each child received a large box of chocolates, an orange, and a “bright penny “. They had previously received toys and gifts from underneath the large Christmas tree in the cinema. The children received telegrams in reply from the King, Queen Alexandra and Lord Kitchener. The cinema closed in 1921 and was replaced by the New Malden Club, which in turn was replaced by Sing Sing within living memory.
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