Quay Lane The Jetty from Granary Car park

Quay Lane The Jetty from Granary Car park
Quay Lane The Jetty from Granary Car park
Quay Lane The Jetty from Granary Car park
Geolocation data
Quay Ln, Sudbury CO10 2AN, UK (52°2′7″N, 0°43′39″E)
Item details
iBase ID
Shop name
Quay Lane The Jetty from Granary Car park
Business status 2020
Closed due to Covid 19
In October 1986 an offer came from Sudbury Bowls Club to lease an adjacent building called The Jetty. This meant that The Quay School of Dance returned to The Quay and the auditorium was released for even more public performances. The demise of the Film Society in 1985 and the closure of Sudbury's sole cinema led to the launch of Quay Cinema in 1986 and monies raised by the Quay Study Group permitted investment in a new screen and projector in January 1987.
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