Sealife Mural, Hastings Road

Sealife Mural, Hastings Road
Sealife Mural, Hastings Road
Sealife Mural, Hastings Road
Geolocation data
W.AVE ARTS BEXHILL - SEALIFE MURAL, Bexhill-on-Sea (50°50′38″N, 0°30′15″E)
Item details
iBase ID
Shop name
Sealife Mural, Hastings Road
Business status 2020
Not known
August 2022: This mural has been painted in the past year or so, and other previous attempts to improve the appearance of this bridge have always resulted in graffiti and tagging. This is on the south side, as viewed from the beach.
See for more information on this local, not-for-profit group.
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